Helping the Afghan people through their livestock fghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world, with 36% of the population below the poverty line. Of the 35.5 million Afghans, about 24 million are living in the countryside, being more or less dependent on agriculture and livestock.
Street # 5 of Syloo, House # 152-153, District 3, Kabul, Afghanistan
Humanitarian Response in Badakhshan AHF/OCHA Project
Humanitarian Response in Badakhshan AHF/OCHA Project
Project information
Donor/Contractor: AHF/OCHA
22nd of Dec 2022 to 21st of Aug 2023
Darayem, Fayzabad and Jorm districts of Badakhshan province
Number of beneficiaries:
1,114 HHs (7800 individuals)
Food (cash) assistance to IPC Phase 3 and 4 vulnerable people of Darayem, Fayzabad and Jorm districts of Badakhshan province, Afghanistan
According to recent IPC report, the projection (June to November 2022) of Badakhshan province is worse as it’s on the top of the 13 provinces classified under IPC Phase 4 with a total of 350,302 people (25%) in emergency crisis. The main reasons for the critical food insecurity in Badakhshan are prolonged effects of the economic downturn on households’ capacity to access food. Households in rural areas are affected by a combination of seasonal erosion of physical and economic access and high food prices. The income obtained by the HHs is not sufficient to meet their food needs. Specifically, debt (98%), barriers to access food due to lack of money (87%); drought and economic shocks (85% and 59% respectively), and poor food consumption score (63%) contribute to the food insecurity in Badakhshan. DCA's KII and qualitative study agrees to the findings of UN humanitarian gaps suggesting that this period is a lean season. The situation will only get worse moving majority of the population towards catastrophe as the winter in Badakhshan is one of the coldest. Furthermore, the Ukraine-Russia war and COVID-19 pandemics complicate the situation.
To address the increased food and nutrition security risks and avoid the most vulnerable households from resorting to negative coping strategies, DCA is implementing an eight-months intervention to support 1,114 acutely food insecure households (7,800 individuals). The project is funded by AHF in Darayem, Fayzabad and Jorm districts of Badakhshan province through the provision of unconditional food (cash) assistance. Each HH will receive cash distribution, calculated at 75% of the FSAC standard cash minimum food basket over 6 months. Based on the rapid market assessment findings, if the market is functional, DCA will distribute the six-month cash support in three (3) installments via a pre-contracted financial service provider. The project participant list is managed and controlled in line with DCA’s data protection policy and every activity sticks to DCA’s AAP and safeguarding frameworks. DCA ensures COVID-19 preventive measures and follow a do-no-harm protocol.
The project’s overall objective is to “improve the food security of households affected by multiple shocks; under IPC Phase 3 and 4 as highly vulnerable and in need of emergency food assistance”. The project is gender-focused and contributes to the strategic objective 1 of Humanitarian Response Plan 2022 developed by the UN and its partners.
Project outcome: Access to food improved for 1,114 households in Darayem, Fayzabad and Jorm districts of Badakhshan province by providing 6 months 75% of the food basket through cash for food assistance.
Output: 7,800 (men, women, boys and girls) from 1,114 acutely food insecure (IPC phase 3 and 4) households receive food assistance over 6 months (75% of total food basket) based on FSAC standard cash basket.
Coordination: the project coordinates with FSAC, WFP, REACH, government, Project Selection Committee, Customary Leaders and the communities.